POLL: Columbo S2E1 Étude in Black - Which outfit is your favorite?

POLL: Columbo S2E2 Étude in Black - Which outfit is your favorite?
Janice Benedict's yellow butterfly collar blouse under navy belted trench coat and white pants

Jennifer Welles’ pink and gray side-tie v-neck sheer sleeved dress, or Alex Benedict’s double-breasted trench coat over tuxedo with sunglasses

Mrs. Fielding’s emerald green satin evening gown


Janice’s white and pink lace and ribbon robe


Alex Benedict’s brown polka dot butterfly collar shirt under a brown and white stripe wide seersucker blazer

Janice’s green turtleneck under diagonal rainbow stripe jumper


 Janice’s tennis mini-dress with v-neck sweater over her shoulders

Mrs. Fielding’s green sailor suit


Audrey’s flower print dress with Peter Pan collar



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