Season 2, Episode 7, Columbo - The Most Dangerous Match (1973)

Season 2 Episode 7:  “Columbo” The Most Dangerous Match (TV Episode 1973)

This episode was directed by Edward Abroms, and written by Jackson Gillis, WIlliam Link and Richard Levinson. 

There are not many outfits in this episode as most of the action occurs on one day and features men in suits, but we found a few looks to celebrate. 

1) Emmett Clayton’s tan thin-wale corduroy suit with ribbed rust brown turtleneck: 



 It has satin accents and a harmonica pocket: 



Perfect for chess, and throwing your opponent in a garbage disposal. 

2) Linda Robinson’s patterned blazer that looks like the cane seat of a Marcel Breuer Cesca chair: 



The jacket and blouse are big collared and it’s matched with a plaid miniskirt and a suede bucket purse: 


Looks cute and also chair-like. 

3) Award goes out to Emmett Clayton’s change of shoes. All day he’s wearing dark brown loafers with buckles. As he gets on the elevator, though, he somehow is magically wearing some beige suede moccasin loafers: 



And the continuity police screamed.


The funniest line of this episode is when Clayton says to Dudek that chess is the ultimate test of the human mind and Dudek says he thought it was women: 



Bonus points for cute dog scene when Columbo has to leave his dog Dog at the vet all day: 





Anonymous said…
Not enough people stick their napkin in their shirt collar. Well done, Dudek
CC and L said…
True, checkerboard napkin bibs are awesome. Shows he's a passionate eater and cares about his clothes

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