Season 4, Episode 6, Columbo - A Deadly State of Mind (1975)

Season 4, Episode 6, Columbo - A Deadly State of Mind (1975)
This episode was directed by Harvey Hart, and written by Peter Fischer, William Link and Richard Levinson. 
The three best outfits in this episode are: 
1)  Giving Lieutenant Columbo a run for his money in the all-brown arena, Dr. Mark Collier in a brown-on-brown-on-brown-on-brown get up: 

Mark is wearing a camel cashmere turtleneck, under a khaki camp shirt button down, under a shiny khaki jazzed up trench coat with wide collar and shoulder epaulets. 

He's paired these layers of tan with chocolate brown suede leather pants. 

Even his murder weapon of choice, the fire place poker, is brown. 

2) Dr. Anita Bolden's pink on pink outfit: 

She's sporting wide cotton candy pink pants and sweater with a big collared maroon blouse (or Dickey collar) underneath. 

She's wearing white loafer heels on the color coded lined hallway floor as she subliminally reminds us we are all rats in a maze. 

3) Nadia Donner's western embroidered outfit: 

This is a light beige western suit with a short jacket embroidered with balloons and floral over a yellow camp collar blouse and silk cowboy scarf. 

The scenes where she's wearing this are shadowy and dark and feverish so we don't get a clear view of it, but it's a sweet outfit. 

It even looks great folded up into a nice neat pile. 

Her white loafer may be Gucci. If not, it's a decent knockoff. 

 Honorable mention for fashion goes to Dr. Anita Bolden's green scarf outfit:
This is a bright green colorful scarf with a dark green sweater dress and black double-breasted gold-buttoned pea coat. She's wearing some two-tone brown leather loafer heels and carrying a faux Louis Vuitton Speedy handbag. 
Does she go swimming? You betcha. 

Bonus points for accessories go out to Mr. Morris' glasses: 

More bonus points for accessories go out to the Dr. lady's giant gold block necklace: 

The funniest lines in this episode are when Mr. Morris reads from the magazine: 

"Always pack a bulky sweater, and some heavy underwear. Even in the spring the mountains can get pretty cold at night." Great advice. 

And when Columbo wonders why he smokes in the morning: 

That's what she said. 


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