Season 5, Episode 2, Columbo - A Case of Immunity (1975)

Season 5, Episode 2, Columbo - A Case of Immunity (1975)
This episode was directed by Ted Post, and written by Lou Shaw, James Menzies, and Richard Levinson. 

The three best outfits in this episode are: 

1) Xenia's red outfit: 

She's wearing a bright red pussy bow blouse under a ribbed cardigan sweater dress. 

The puffy sleeves add a little flair to her diplomatic wardrobe. 

2) Rachman Habib's flowing robe over revolutionary student's outfit: 

This looks like a nice light blue velveteen thobe with yellow and white embroidery, that he whips off in a switcheroo to reveal a protester's denim Canadian tuxedo with maroon jacket underneath:

The jacket has big brass buttons and shoulder epaulets giving it a military style. 

Due to a lack of noteworthy outfits in this episode, we will focus more heavily on the humor, of which there is plenty.
First we have Hassan motivating Habib by channeling Star Wars by saying, "Try, Rahman? Try? A child tries. A man accomplishes. You must succeed." 

Yoda's "Do or do not, there is no try" came out five years after this episode in 1980's "The Empire Strikes Back." 

Several funny moments back to back when Columbo says his wife got a similar vase at the farmer's market, and as he steps on Hasan's robe, again. 

Also hilarious is Lieutenant Columbo unauthorized sniffing and tasting, and then being served the Suarian King's French escargot: 

Also funny is when Columbo joins a picket line and tells his fellow protester that he's "fuzz." 

Also funny is a baby Jeff Goldblum playing an protester: 

Also funny is Columbo looking for striped pants at the formal garden party and telling Xenia that his shoes cost $16.95.

At a fountain full of fruit punch, not champagne: 

Bonus points for decor go out to the embassy foyer: 

The six petal flower mosaic tiles with the spiral staircase, all in Californian terra cotta, are stunning.


Anonymous said…
Fruit punch is how I like to party.
CC&L said…
A very festive drink indeed! Especially from a 4 tier fountain resembling the Stanley cup

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