Season 7, Episode 3, Columbo - Make Me a Perfect Murder (1978)

Season 7, Episode 3, Columbo - Make Me a Perfect Murder (1978)
This episode was directed by James Frawley, and written by Robert Blees, Richard Levinson, and William Link. 

The three best outfits in this episode are:
1) Kay's men's shirt with nothing else: 
She's in a blue and white striped oxford button down shirt and no pants. The two-tone green, yellow, and brown patio furniture here is so fresh. 

She later puts on a denim skirt. Nicely coordinated with her secret lover slash boss slash murder victim's blue shirt with white short shorts. 

2) Luther's pink and red ensemble: 

He's rocking a bright red ribbed turtleneck under an open cotton candy pink button down shirt

 His sleeves are rolled up and his light denim jeans are bell bottoms. 

3) Kay's dark blood red murder outfit: 

She's wearing some dark red hiphugger flares with a matching blouse and striped tie. She's carrying a big saddle brown purse and a burgundy corduroy blazer. 

She is the professional. 

The funniest moments in this episode are when the security guard almost foils Kay's plan by reading a Playboy magazine in the waiting room

Also when nearly naked Columbo in boxers is getting a neck adjustment: 

Also funny is when Kay finds Valerie's pill bottles and says, "No more hugs, we're fresh out of hugs."

 Stone cold. 

Also funny is Columbo saying Dog can't get enough of television

He never saw nothing yet he didn't like.


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